girl with backpack strolling under trellis

Visit Wyck

Winter Hours:
Wyck’s grounds are open Tuesday-Friday, 10am-4pm as weather and staffing allow.
House tours are available by appointment. Give us a call at 215-848-1690 or email

Wyck will re-open for regular free drop-in tours on Thursday, April 3 at 12:00 pm. After April 3, tours will be offered weekly, Thursday-Saturday 12 – 4 pm.

Walk-in Tours 

Wyck’s Open Season runs from April through mid-November. In 2024, Wyck is open April 1 – November 16.
Walk-in tours are available Thursday-Saturday, 12:00 – 4:00 PM
(please arrive by 3:30 PM), and by appointment Monday-Wednesday.
When you arrive, please make your way to Wyck’s front door and pull the old-fashioned doorbell. We will be right there to welcome you to Wyck.

Want to schedule a visit at a time that we are not usually open? Contact us at 215.848.1690 or at

Periodically, Wyck needs to close for special events or maintenance reasons.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Please Note: Wyck is not air-conditioned. If temperatures in the house exceed 90 degrees, Wyck will close. If we close, we will post on the homepage and our social media channels. 

Make it a day! On the second Saturday of every month during Open Season, visit Wyck as well as numerous other historic sites for Second Saturdays in Historic Germantown, when most participating sites are open 12:00 – 4:00 PM.

The following tours must be booked in advance :

GROUP TOURS | Enjoy a private tour of Wyck, given by a knowledgeable Wyck staff person. Contact or call 215.848.1690.

BEHIND THE SCENES TOUR | Climb the stairs into the collections rooms on the upper floors and explore the 10,000+ objects that reveal the personalities behind the people in the paintings. Learn more about the Behind the Scenes Tour. 

WINTER TOURS | From December through March, Wyck House is closed for walk-in tours; however, you may call to schedule a tour or research appointment with a Wyck staff member at a mutually agreeable day and time. Email us at

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